The Appalachian Children's Home, initially founded in 1949 in Knox County, Kentucky, began with a vision inspired by the discovery of three children in a railroad car. Three preachers united to purchase a 158-acre campus, selling a tract of land, a wagon full of watermelons, and a mule to combine their resources. Officially named the Barbourville Pentecostal Orphanage and Old Folks Home, the ministry began operating as the Appalachian Children's Home in 2001.
As a ministry of the independent Pentecostal churches, the Appalachian Children's Home offers various ministries, including Campmeeting, Youth Camp, and Ladies Retreat. These ministries have served as a launching pad for pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, worship leaders, and many others in ministry. The Appalachian Children's Home continues to provide a nurturing and spiritually enriching environment for children and adults alike.